How to set up your eBay account's endpoint for deletion/closure notification with WordPress Automatic Plugin?

How to set up your eBay account’s endpoint for deletion/closure notification with WordPress Automatic Plugin?

If you are using WordPress Automatic plugin for importing eBay products, then the first step is to make the settings of the campaigns accordingly. After choosing the campaign type as “eBay”, you need to provide the API that can help in automating the task of product extraction and setting up the affiliate link. At the same time, you need to set up eBay deletion/closure notification. Let’s start the journey.

Step-wise guide for integrating eBay marketplace account endpoint for deletion/closure notification

Step-1: Create your eBay developer account and then visit here:

Step-2: Then choose your app for which API is required

Step-3: You need to visit the dashboard of WordPress Automatic Plugin and click on “Settings” and then “eBay Settings”.

Dashboard of WordPress Automatic plugin

eBay settings of WP Automatic plugin


Step-4: Provide “Marketplace account deletion notification endpoint” and “Verification token”.

Step-5: Save the settings by clicking on “Save Changes”

What are the pre-requisites for successfully integrating the endpoint’s URLs?

  • Your website should contain an SSL certificate. That means it runs on HTTPS. Remember that endpoints with HTTP will not work.
  • You need to perform these steps once.
  • The URL of the endpoint should be valid and always available. In case, if you delete or remove your website from the internet, then the URLs of the keys will be disabled.


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