Pinterest Settings Documentation
- Specific user/board: to limit posting to only one Pinterest user or from a specific Pinterest board
- Choose if user or board: It helps you to import the post from a user profile or board
- User ID/ board ID: provide the user ID or the board ID as per preference.
- Cache pins for faster posting: disable this option if you want to call Pinterest for each post to fetch updated information.
- Auto-generate title: to automatically generate a title from Pinterest pin content.
- Title length: set the auto-generated title length.
Supported tags
- [pin_id]: Pin ID
- [pin_url]: Pin URL
- [pin_link]: The source link of the pin (external website)
- [pin_title]: Pin title
- [pin_description]: Pin description
- [pin_board_id]: Pin’s board ID
- [pin_board_url]: Pin’s board URL.
- [pin_board_name]: Pin’s board name in which that pin is present.
- [pin_pinner_username]: Username of the pinner
- [pin_pinner_full_name]: Full name of the user
- [pin_pinner_id]: User ID.
- [pin_domain]: Domain of the pin (external URL)
- [pin_likes]: Like count
- [repin_count]: Repin count.
- [pin_img]: Image of the pin.
- [pin_img_width]: Width of the image.
- [pin_img_height]: Height of the image.